2023 Roundtable

Anthropology & Climate Change: Transitions
Reviewed by: Anthropology and Environment Society
Session Time: 2:00 PM to 3:45 PM
Session Type: Roundtable/Town Hall – In-Person
Organizer: Emily Hite
Participants: Teresa Montoya, Anand Pandian, Melinda Gonzalez, Anulekha Roy Sengupta, Adam Fleischmann, Renzo Taddei, and Adriana Petryna
Session Description: Climate change is one of the most significant problems facing humanity. It is a threat multiplier that exacerbates already existing problems for interrelated social, cultural, political, economic, and ecological systems across the globe. The compounding effects of sea level rise, drought, increased frequency and intensity of storms, and rising temperatures, as well as the maladaptive adaptation and mitigation strategies meant to address those issues, disrupt and transform our everyday lives in myriad, unequal ways. As the AAA Climate Change Task Force (Fiske et al., 2014)

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